Author: Bernhard Rinner


Multidrone constellation changes

Planning the simultaneous movement of multiple agents represents a challenging coordination problem, and ideally safety and efficiency are jointly addressed. In his master thesis, Paul Ladinig developed a planning algorithm for fast and energy-efficient trajectories with reduced collision potential from a start to an end constellation. This new approach combines […]


Coalition formation and task assignment in MRS

Multi-robot systems (MRS) accomplish many missions with different complexities, and their applications range from search-and-rescue and surveillance to transportation and entertainment. In many missions, multiple robots need to cooperate to complete tasks. The workflow of these multi-robot tasks involves forming coalitions of robots, assigning them to available tasks, and jointly […]


Digitalization award for Jennifer Simonjan

Our former research staff member Jennifer Simonjan received the “Digitalization Award” of the state of Carinthia for her PhD thesis entitled “Resource-efficient and Resiliant Self-Calibration in Distributed Visual Sensor Networks”. Jennifer received the award from the Govenor Peter Kaiser as part of a virtual ceremony on November 23, 2020. Press […]


Film footage about our privacy protection research

The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation filmed about our research on privacy protection for more than four hours. The shooting took place in our laboratory and outdoors, where we reenacted a selfie drone scenario and demonstrated our aerial video anonymization approach. The shooting also covered our smart camera prototypes with embedded privacy […]