Author: Bernhard Rinner


Austria Marshall Plan Foundation Award

Jennifer Simonjan is a winner of the 2020 Austria Marshall Plan Foundation poster award for her work on localization and tracking of in-body nanosensors. This work was done during her research stay at Georgia Tech during the first half of this year. Sincere congrats to my former PhD student and […]


Persistent surveillance with multiple robots

Persistent surveillance is the task of continuously monitoring an environment over a long period of time. Many multi-robot applications, including disaster response, security tasks as well as exploration and mapping, can be represented as a persistent surveillance problem. Understanding the problem’s properties and developing efficient algorithms for solving the problem […]


Self-awareness for autonomous systems

Autonomous systems are able to make decisions and potentially take actions without direct human intervention, which requires some knowledge about the system and its environment as well as goal-oriented reasoning. Autonomous systems will undoubtedly pervade into our everyday lives, and we will find them in a variety of domains and […]


PhD defense of Jürgen Scherer

Today Jürgen Scherer successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Multi-robot Persistent Surveillance with Connectivity Constraints. The committee was composed by Prof. Christian Bettstetter (chair), Prof. Angela Schoellig (Univ. Toronto) and Prof. Hermann Hellwagner. Let’s congratulate our most recent PhD graduate!


Research stay at Georgia Tech

Jennifer Simonjan completed her PhD on Resource-efficient and Resilient Self-Calibration in Distributed Visual Sensor Networks in fall 2019. On January 15th of this year she started her seven-month research stay at the Broadband Wirless Networking Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Her research project on “Nanoscale Sensor […]


PhD defense of Jennifer Simonjan

Today Jennifer Simonjan successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled Resource-efficient and Resilient Self-Calibration in Distributed Visual Sensor Networks. The committee was composed by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner (chair), Prof. Gian Pietro Picco (Univ. Trento) and Prof. Wilfried Elmenreich. Let’s congratulate our most recent PhD graduate!