

Open Predoc position

The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce the following open position at the Departmentof Networked and Embedded Systems, Pervasive Computing Group, at the Faculty of TechnicalSciences, with an expected starting date of October 2, 2023: Predoc Scientist (all genders welcome) (in German: Universitätsassistent:in) More information about this vacancy and […]


Digitalization award for Paul Ladinig

Paul Ladinig received the Digitalization Award of the state of Carinthia for his master thesis “Time and Energy Optimized Trajectory Generation for Multi-Agent Constellation Changes” that was co-supervised by Stephan Weiss and Bernhard Rinner. Paul received the award from the Govenor Peter Kaiser as part of a virtual ceremony on […]


Marathon competition

Rockson Agyeman, Markus Gutmann, Vitaly Korzhun and Bernhard Rinner from the Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems took part as a relay team in the Graz Marathon on October 9, 2022. “The Running Threads” – as team named itself – were among the top 30 in this competition.


Open PostDoc position

University of Klagenfurt and Silicon Austria Labs GmbH have jointly established the Ubiquitous Sensing (USE) Lab and are pleased to announce the following open position, with an expected starting date of January 1, 2023: Senior Scientist with Doctorate for research track “Networked Sensing, Sensor Fusion and Virtual Sensing” Level of […]


PhD defense of Adam Erdelyi

Today Adam Erdelyi successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Protection and Evaluation of Privacy in Visual Data. The committee was composed by Prof. Kyandonge Kyamakya (chair), Prof. Christian Micheloni (University of Udine) and Prof. Wilfried Elmenreich. Adam’s graduation is remarkable for me as well as he is the 25th PhD […]


Melanie Mayer receives “Best Performer Award”

Congratulations to our former study assistant Melanie Mayer!She received the “Best Performer Award” of the Faculty of Technical Sciences for her study achievements in the study year 2020/2021, which were the best among all enrolled students of our Information and Communications Engineering program. The study achievements are ranked based on […]