University of Klagenfurt and Silicon Austria Labs GmbH have jointly established the Ubiquitous Sensing (USE) Lab and are pleased to announce the following open position, with an expected starting date of January 1, 2023:
Senior Scientist with Doctorate
for research track “Networked Sensing, Sensor Fusion and Virtual Sensing”
- Level of employment: 100 %
- Minimum salary: € 56,861 per annum (gross); classification according to collective agreement: B1 lit. b
- Limited to: December 31, 2023
- Application deadline: October 26, 2022
- Reference code: 594/22
- Application submission:
The USE Lab is organized in four research tracks and will address both hardware and software aspects focussing on model-based approaches for multi-sensor fusion, adaptive operation, auto calibration, self-diagnosis and methods for the fast development and verification of advanced sensor systems which include the exploitation of advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques. This involves basic and application oriented interdisciplinary research to offer industry accelerated market entrance possibilities for innovative ideas e.g., in the fields IoT (Internet of Things) and I4.0 (Industry 4.0).
We are soliciting applications for research track #3 “Networked Sensing, Sensor Fusion and Virtual Sensing”, which covers the following topics: Resource-aware in-network processing and analytics of homogeneous and heterogeneous sensor data; multi-sensor and multi-modal fusion; self-calibration, self-organization and resource management in networked sensing systems; methods for resource-aware data distribution and virtual sensing in sensor networks. Track leader: Prof. Bernhard Rinner.
More information about this vacancy and the application process is available here.